Criar um blogue e materializar os
nossos pensamentos é terapêutico.
Conceber um título, pelo contrário, é totalmente o oposto. O nome do blogue deu-me algumas dores
de cabeça. Principalmente quando tinha uma ideia e via a luz ao fundo do túnel
– “é este o nome!” para depois verificar que já existia esse ou um outro muito
parecido. Não queria que fosse demasiado leve ou demasiado sério nem que
limitasse a abrangência que pretendo ter.
Gosto imenso do título do
blogue do Tiago Mesquita “100 Reféns”, tendo sido uma fonte de inspiração mas,
na verdade, quem juntou as peças e originou este nome (que acho genial) não fui
eu, mas sim a autora do blogue pippacoco. Posso
assim, depois desta nota de agradecimento em que entrego o mérito a quem ele
pertence, voltar a explorar 100manias.
Obrigada Pippa!
Creating a blog and materialising our thoughts is therapeutic. Conceiving a title for it is exactly the opposite. The blog title gave me some headaches. Specially everytime I got an idea that made me see the light at the end of the tunnel only to realize that it was already taken. I didn´t want the title to be too light nor too heavy as I didn´t want to limit the range that I pretend to have.
Creating a blog and materialising our thoughts is therapeutic. Conceiving a title for it is exactly the opposite. The blog title gave me some headaches. Specially everytime I got an idea that made me see the light at the end of the tunnel only to realize that it was already taken. I didn´t want the title to be too light nor too heavy as I didn´t want to limit the range that I pretend to have.
I´m very fond of the Tiago Mesquita´s blog title “100reféns”, having
been a source of inspiration but, truthly who assembled all the pieces and came
up with the title (that I consider genious) was the author of the blog pippacoco. Saying so, I can now go back to my writing now that I´ve given the
merit to whom it belongs.
Tank you Pippa!
100manias is a word pun because in Portuguese “a hundred” is translated to “cem”.
This word has a homophone word - “sem” that means “none”. That way, the title gets
a double meaning – you can see it as “a hundred manias” or as “no manias”. Now
you´ll have to read me and judge for yourself.